Human Capital Development as it name suggests
recognizes that people add value to the purpose of an enterprise and
that people value can be significantly enhanced.
It is a
holistic processes for facilitating strategic objectives though the
management of individual capabilities
While organizational efficiency is more a matter
of engineering optimum operational conditions & structure etc. the
effectiveness of an organization is predominately determined through the
positioning and the development of individual capabilities.
Each of the 4 element of the HCD process requires
careful planning, human interaction and measurement, with consistent
management review of the effectiveness of the whole. |
An intangible outcome of the HCD Process is its positive contribution to
the on-going evolution of an enterprises’ organizational culture. |
Disposal is a mitigation option where individual capabilities cannot be aligned
by other means. Disposal within the HCD process also recognizes that
there are times of down-sizing where selection optimization, and the way
that is performed, can have a significant impact on organizational
value. |
Leakage of personal occurs in the best of
organizations. So such value waste needs to be anticipated and its
potential minimized from within the HCD process. |